Dr. Happy
Trainer | Facilitator | Speaker | Coach | Psychotherapist
An award-winning, certified master trainer, training architect and success coach, specialising in tailored learning solutions for professionals, universities and individuals in Greater China and Asia Pacific.
Our Mission
Dr. Happy's one-of-a-kind "Edu-tainment" training persona and portfolio of courses propel business leaders, professionals and individuals towards self-discovery, through fostering a positive attitude to tap into our inner potential.
Corporate Training
From agility and resilience, internal management and external presence, to decision making and conflict resolution, Dr. Happy's tailored training and development solutions cater to individual professionals, teams and corporations of any size. His specialised and tailored trainings derive from concepts, tools and methodologies such as Neuro-linguistic Programming, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method and Materials and Design Thinking process.
Individual and Business Coaching, Couple Restoration, Mediation and Psychotherapy
Dr. Happy provides transformative personal development courses and one-on-one sessions that aim to instil a positive mindset, enhance relationships and empower personal discovery and refinement, success and leadership.
News & Insights
企業培訓師黃彥衡博士 (Dr. Happy) 指,打工仔的工作壓力過大時,每日上班猶如「Blue Monday (星期一症候群)」,沒精打采,當心理影響生理,亦會經常生病,變成辦公室中的「口罩黨」,員工的投入感 (employee engagement) 受影響,公司整體表現亦因而下降。 「很多人都會說工作繁忙,每日的生活只有上班和加班,生活枯燥得跟鹹魚沒差別,容易失去工作動力。」Dr. Happy 坦言,不少打工仔的壓力都是來自自己的,他們往往感到要「賣身」給公司,但事實並非如此⋯⋯ Source: MingPao JUMP Full article: https://jump.mingpao.com/career-news/detail/20190816/s00009/1565869334094/others-打工仔壓力爆煲-善用公餘或動或靜減壓有法
How to win over your audience
I often hear that people think that the more talkative you are, the better you are at presenting. I’d like to debunk this myth. In my experience, good presentations are often the result of building the right mindset and understanding […]
【職人故事】棄會計工作轉做培訓師 Dr.Happy分享轉工、轉行小貼士
職場上的離離合合乃兵家常事,有人為了加薪而跳槽,有人為追求更好的事業發展而轉職,亦有人為追求夢想而放棄多年的工作經驗,毅然轉投另一個行業。不過,無論是甚麼原因,打工仔在辭職前必然會面臨著掙扎和困擾,可能是擔心過往的工作經驗報廢;可能是擔心「新不如舊」;也可能是擔心轉工後無法維持現時的薪金和生活水平。由專業會計師轉行成為認可專業培訓師的黃彥衡博士(Dr. Happy),以自身經驗向打工仔分享轉工、轉行的小貼士⋯⋯ Source: CTGoodjobs Full article: https://www.ctgoodjobs.hk/article/職人故事-棄會計工作轉做培訓師-dr-happy分享轉工-轉行小貼士/1229-19256
每天午飯一小時,和甚麼人吃,席間談甚麼,可能決定你事業的高度。然而打工仔食晏常見兩種場面,一是人人低頭玩手機,一是七嘴八舌講是非。培訓師黃彥衡博士(Dr. Happy)說,這兩種飯局無甚益處,白白浪費一頓飯時光。「大家點完ABCD餐,然後各自玩手機零溝通,那又何必一起吃。若大家邊吃邊講是非,罵上司有幾衰,怨份工有幾差,好比互相播毒,負能量爆燈,這樣好難有運行。」⋯⋯ Source: Recruit Full article: https://www.recruit.com.hk/Resources/ArticleDetail.aspx?articleId=39126
LEGO® bricks: More than a child’s toy, rather a method to enhance decision-making skills
Leaders and employees are at the crux of every organisation and are key decision makers. Especially with the ultra-fast-paced working environment in Hong Kong, agility and sound execution are integral in decision making, which many find it difficult to master […]
Dr. Happy crowned winner of the First Smart Corporate Training Leader Award
Harry Wong, also known as Dr. Happy, is the first trainer to be awarded the Smart Corporate Training Leader of Mediazone’s Most Valuable Services Awards 2019 in Hong Kong. The annual Mediazone award recognises accomplished local and foreign companies provide […]
Mindfulness: How to improve productivity at work
Over the years, I have learned from my trainees and personal experience that some of the biggest productivity killers include negative experiences when coping with failure, office distractions such as noisy co-workers, face-to-face interactions and so on. While we have […]
What makes storytelling a powerful leadership tool in today’s workplace?
Effective communication is key to any effective workplace. The key to effective communication is to leverage a pull strategy to engage the audience, creating a “pull attracts pull” effect, bringing the people together and generate synergy. This method relies on […]
Understanding Sacred Clowns around you is the key to achieving positivity in the workplace
The myth of a Sacred Clown originates from the Native American Lakota tribe. Sacred Clowns are notorious for, and even take pride in causing havoc for other tribes, often in the form of sneaky disruptions or petty theft. The natural […]
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