Dr. Happy
Trainer | Facilitator | Speaker | Coach | Psychotherapist
An award-winning, certified master trainer, training architect and success coach, specialising in tailored learning solutions for professionals, universities and individuals in Greater China and Asia Pacific.
Our Mission
Dr. Happy's one-of-a-kind "Edu-tainment" training persona and portfolio of courses propel business leaders, professionals and individuals towards self-discovery, through fostering a positive attitude to tap into our inner potential.
Corporate Training
From agility and resilience, internal management and external presence, to decision making and conflict resolution, Dr. Happy's tailored training and development solutions cater to individual professionals, teams and corporations of any size. His specialised and tailored trainings derive from concepts, tools and methodologies such as Neuro-linguistic Programming, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method and Materials and Design Thinking process.
Individual and Business Coaching, Couple Restoration, Mediation and Psychotherapy
Dr. Happy provides transformative personal development courses and one-on-one sessions that aim to instil a positive mindset, enhance relationships and empower personal discovery and refinement, success and leadership.
News & Insights
The most I wanted to challenge myself @ #WaterWorldOPHK Positive nervousness was definitely part of the game: nearly 90 degrees, 5 storey high in 5 seconds~ Mission accomplished with joy, fun…and most of all, the impact of taking the courage […]
鴨仔一出 誰與爭鋒
感謝客戶對我提出面授課程嘅建議同 training design 用 LEGO® Serious Play® Method and Six Bricks® 嘅充分信任。LEGO® bricks 一出,有嘢學、有得玩、笑聲滿載。 今次嘅 topic 係 Innovative Problem Solving。所有學員都好生猛,只可以講 classroom training… 真係冇得輸。 Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/harry-wong-dr-happy-19802b172_drharrycomhk-drhappynlp-classroomtraining-activity-6832246322595270656-jfwq
雨過始終會天青, 呢個係大自然必然嘅定律。 問題在於我哋正處於一個乜嘢嘅階段,同時我哋又會用一個乜嘢嘅心態去面對呢個階段。 Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/harry-wong-dr-happy-19802b172_nmfnitnnr-drharrycomhk-drhappynlp-activity-6827167086276677632-U9Sh
When Dr. Keith Meets Dr. Happy on 快樂 Why, What, How
人生於世,其中一個目的,就是不斷尋找新嘅快樂來源。 很開心跟 Dr. Keith 在新城知訊台主持現場直播節目《余樂 CFO》,一齊同大家分享開心 Why, What, How 節目重溫: https://www.facebook.com/metroradio.com.hk/videos/822152551758181/
Engaging your employees in the ‘new normal’
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new world of work. We are in a new learning environment that has exciting challenges. Businesses need to find new ways of nurturing and motivating employees to navigate through current changes and stay ahead of […]
The License to be Creative: Natural or Nurtured?
The panacea of creativity is lost over time but that doesn’t mean it’s gone for good. Creativity is more than a buzzword thrown around by bosses in meetings or artistic types when talking about their projects, it is an antidote […]
Design Thinking in the Workplace
To create and enhance agility and innovation in the workplace, many companies have turned to design thinking as an innovative process for business development, building strong customer relationships, as well as employee engagement and creating an innovative working environment. While there are […]
How to become an effective trainer
I’ve been a Master Trainer, Training Architect and Success Coach for over 15 years and throughout this time I’ve come to learn that to be a good trainer, it’s vital that people understand the best practices of training. One of […]
不少企業為了提升競爭力,愈來愈重視人才培訓,到底企業培訓導師,怎樣透過創新的培訓方法,協助企業應付挑戰?另外,有銀行每年都會舉辦,讓員工帶同子女上班的活動,促進親子關係之餘,亦可提升員工歸屬感⋯⋯ Source: TVB Finance & Information Channel Full article: http://news.tvb.com/programmes/successincareer/5d692c72e60383250e29fc01/企業培訓師
Managing workplace conflicts more efficiently
Disputes and conflicts are inevitable in all areas of our lives, and this doesn’t change when it comes to the workplace. When not managed well, conflicts can quickly escalate, impacting morale, productivity and eventually sales and company performance. Conflict in […]
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