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When Dr. Keith Meets Dr. Happy on 快樂 Why, What, How

5 月 13, 2021

人生於世,其中一個目的,就是不斷尋找新嘅快樂來源。 很開心跟 Dr. Keith […]

Engaging your employees in the ‘new normal’

3 月 26, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new […]

TVB - Success in Career


8 月 30, 2019

不少企業為了提升競爭力,愈來愈重視人才培訓,到底企業培訓導師,怎樣透過創新的培訓 […]

Managing workplace conflicts more efficiently

8 月 28, 2019

Disputes and conflicts are inevitable in […]



8 月 16, 2019

企業培訓師黃彥衡博士 (Dr. Happy) 指,打工仔的工作壓力過大時,每日上 […]

How to win over your audience

7 月 30, 2019

I often hear that people think that the […]

ctgoodjobs - career change

【職人故事】棄會計工作轉做培訓師 Dr.Happy分享轉工、轉行小貼士

7 月 24, 2019

職場上的離離合合乃兵家常事,有人為了加薪而跳槽,有人為追求更好的事業發展而轉職, […]

Recruit - networking


7 月 19, 2019

每天午飯一小時,和甚麼人吃,席間談甚麼,可能決定你事業的高度。然而打工仔食晏常見 […]

LEGO® bricks: More than a child’s toy, rather a method to enhance decision-making skills

7 月 8, 2019

Leaders and employees are at the crux of […]